Build Trust And Connect with Users over Whatsapp

Build Trust And
Connect with Users

over WhatsApp

User onboarding, send reminders, onboard dropped off users, payment collection, and mini product flows on WhatsApp.

Build Trust And

connect with users

over WhatsApp

User onboarding, send reminders, onboard dropped off users, payment collection, and mini product flows on WhatsApp.


Unique solution to build trust and staying connected with users over Whatsapp

Unique solution to build trust and
staying connected with users
over Whatsapp

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User onboarding & Document Collection

User onboarding & Document Collection

Easy flows to onboard users faster and hassle free.

  • Enable sign ups for your user by replacing boring forms with customized flow builder over WhatsApp.
  • Collect important ID proofs in different formats using multi-media feature of WhatsApp for quick KYC.
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Easy flows to onboard users faster and hassle free.

  • Enable sign ups for your user by replacing boring forms with customized flow builder over WhatsApp.
  • Collect important ID proofs in different formats using multi-media feature of WhatsApp for quick KYC.
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Send reminders & regular updates

Send reminders & regular updates

Reminders and updates helps to build recall.

  • Send important reminders to users like payment dates, wallet balance etc. by integrating with your existing system.
  • Send regular updates about products, new feature updates and recent happenings with the broadcast message feature.
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Reminders and updates helps to build recall.

  • Send important reminders to users like payment dates, wallet balance etc. by integrating with your existing system.
  • Send regular updates about products, new feature updates and recent happenings with the broadcast message feature.
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Onboarddropped-off users

Onboarddropped-off users

Make the drop-off users sign up in a few clicks.

  • Send automated reminders to sign up from the stage the user dropped off.
  • Get insights on customer drop offs and modify the onboarding flows in a brisk.
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Make the drop-off users sign up in a few clicks.

  • Send automated reminders to sign up from the stage the user dropped off.
  • Get insights on customer drop offs and modify the onboarding flows in a brisk.
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Collect payment and subscription fees

Collect payment and subscription fees

Make it easy for your users to just click and pay.

  • Increase the recurring revenue by sending subscription fee reminder over WhatsApp.
  • Connect with existing tech stack to send regular payment, wallet recharge reminders to retain users.
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Make it easy for your users to just click and pay.

  • Increase the recurring revenue by sending subscription fee reminder over WhatsApp.
  • Connect with existing tech stack to send regular payment, wallet recharge reminders to retain users.